What is your Ministry?
Serving the Church through ministry is part of parish life. Click on any of the ministries listed below to learn more about what each entail. Pray for guidance in choosing a ministry that best suits your lifestyle or complements your talents.
If you have children attending All Saints School, there are many great way to earn Service Hours. For questions please contact our Ministries Coordinator at Barbarac@allsaintsportland.com
This team provides clean pressed altar linens for all the liturgies. Contact our Coordinator Terry at terrymcshane.lewis@gmail.com Altar linens are an essential accessory for the Eucharistic celebration and are valuable for the ornament of the altar and its consecration.
To serve at the altar is one of the highest privileges a Catholic can enjoy. Servers represent the faithful and get to experience the most holy part of the church's liturgy and ceremonial. Servers are boys and girls of all ages who have received First Holy Communion. Kathy is our trainer who offers gentle support and guidance to all our altar servers. Servers typically work once or twice a month. Please click here to get on the schedule: Click Or contact Kathy and Christine who lead this ministry and offer guidance and training to all our altar servers. Kathy at 101kathyh@gmail.com
Christy at christineagriffiths125@gmail.com
This ministry team cuts, sews and embroiders baptismal bibs for infants, and stoles for teens and adults to be worn in the baptism ceremony. Contact our Coordinator Barbarac@allsaintsportland.com
To share your musical talents as a member of the choir or as an instrumentalist.
All Saints has an active music ministry at all three of our Masses. If you are interested in volunteering as a singer or instrumentalist we would love to have you join us! Also, consider joining our monthly Family Mass where parents and children join as music ministers.
This ministry team hosts coffee, donuts and juice on Sunday morning after the 8:30 am and 10:30 am Mass. They offer smiles and warm greetings to fellow parishioners. This ministry requires about an hour. It's lots of fun. Contact our Coordinator Barbara at barbarac@allsaintsportland.com
This ministry allows the faithful to assist the priest in the reverent distribution of Holy Communion to those at Mass and those who are homebound. An EEM must be a fully initiated member of the Church (having received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation).
Contact our Coordinator – Terry Lewis at terrymcshane.lewis@gmail.com
Your time and talent are a great blessing to help us keep the All Saints campus looking good.
Think window washing, weeding, organizing, sweeping, polishing, etc. We need lots of help to keep the parish running smoothly. If you have a knack for something special or a desire to share some time and energy with the church, please contact our Ministries Coordinator - KristineG@allsaintsportland.com
The flower ministry team beautifies our altar and church with the upkeep of flower and plant arrangements. This group meets quartely to discuss duties and special holidays arrangements. Flowers are watered and edited as needed. Please contact our Coordinator, Morgan and morganwhermann@gmail.com
This team prepares a space for family and friends to share time after a funeral or memorial mass for a loved one. This involves preparing coffee and serving a meal or light refreshments provided by the family. The volunteers work in two hour shifts to set-up, serve, or take down the receptions. To be part of this hospitality team contact our Coordinator Barbarac@allsaintsportland.com
This ministry offers the opportunity to proclaim the Word of God by reading Sacred Scripture during the celebration of the Mass. Men, women, and young adults of the parish are invited to join this ministry as lectors (reading sacred scripture and prayers of the faithful) or commentators (welcoming the assembly before mass and reading the announcements after mass). Contact our Coordinator, Barbarac@allsaintsportland.com
Learn to make the scared host which becomes the heart of our Eucharistic celebration. This ancient craft is very special and inspires a deep fellowship amongst volunteers. This group meets monthly for about 1 to 2 hours. Contact our Coordinator Emerald at emeraldflores1@gmail.com
Volunteers love supporting this Annual Holiday Bazaar because it brings everyone together to kick off the holiday season in a festive way. This year the event is scheduled for Saturday, November 5th. The fundraising from this event supports the flower fund and funeral receptions. Contact our Coordinator Laura at laurafricke@yahoo.com Click Here for more information and to volunteer.
Live Streaming volunteers help on Saturdays at the 5:00 pm mass to set up the iPad and cameras to project our mass on YouTube. Time commitment is about 1.5 hours once or twice a month. It's easy and training is provided. We desperately need more people on this ministry team. Please contact our Coordinator KristineG@allsaintsportland.com
Rotating teams of volunteers assist in the counting of the weekend collection and special collections in accordance with the operating procedures of the Diocese of Portland. This ministry requires teams of four every weekend after the 10:30am mass for about 1 hour. If you are good at money handling please contact our Coordinator Mark at mdiloreto@comcast.net
Sacristans prepare the altar for mass by lighting candles, arranging the altar, preparing vessels, vestments, and candles and have a strong sense of the specifics of the liturgical celebration. They also open and close the church before and after mass. Sacristans usually serve for one mass per week. Please contact our Coordinator Gary McMahon at gary.mcmahon@hevanet.com
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society was first established at All Saints in 1935. This ongoing food drive provides food distribution to families and individuals in need who are living with in the parish borders. Special baskets are prepared for during the holidays too. For more information please click HERE.
This ministry is a special lay ministry that allows interested individuals to assist before and during the Mass. The ministry of ushers is the oldest lay ministry in the Catholic Church. Ushers take up the collection, distribute worship aids, and greet those entering the church. Young adults are encouraged to join this ministry as well as adults. Contact our Coordinator Barbarac@allsaintsportland.com
Serve wine and cheese to our parishioners after the vigil mass on Saturdays. Meet new friends and share the gift of fellowship with others in our community. This ministry rotates monthly and requires about 1.5 hours. Please contact our Coordinator Mark at mnmilinski@gmail.com
This ministry is open to all women of the parish who wish to serve and share fellowship in various ways such as volunteering together for parish events or serving larger community projects. Contact our Coordinator Lara at laravinh@yahoo.com